- more then just a logo


We’re incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished this past decade — and even more excited about our future. After months of brainstorming, review, design, we are proud to present today our new identity.

VisionSpace’s brand has a personality that reflects what we stand for and everything we do and dream of.

Today looking into the old days and see how we have evolved is always amusing, but also challenging, as it keeps us questioning what direction will we go in the future.


Therefore we thought about to give you a short timeline of our brand, over its evolution across the years.

This is what happen when there is no budget and you ask engineers to design a company logo.

Back in 2010 - before even having the company founded - we have drawn our first logo within an afternoon using PowerPoint. There were multiple versions, and this was the best one.

We felt proud, but we knew that it was not perfect.

Nowadays we cannot stop laughing how horrible our taste and design skills were – looking into the other versions make us feel even ashamed.

In 2012, we were young and dynamic providing engineering services for the european space industry. Working in such a niche brought us many different challenges - one of them was to have a brand transmitting those ideas.

It was important for to show that we are a technology company, therefore the Technology element, and at the same time working in and for space - the visual icon element, presenting two orbits.

But the journey didn't end here.

During the next decade, our team has grown and became more experienced in space operations and robotics - but we still feel young and more ambitious than never.

With such experienced team, we have challenged ourselves bringing value to society by fostering access to space exploration. Such ambition will disrupt how we build and operate space systems. This will only be possible if we bring down the complexity of space systems - and heading towards autonomous AI-driven robotics.

For already a few months we are building an AI-based and decision support system for space operations - it will be release in the upcoming months.

That's one small step for humankind, one giant leap for space exploration.

All this triggered a need to change our visual language to enhance our message. The outcoming monochrome wordmark, using black as the main color, reflects its personality in the typographic element - bringing up "our vision for space" message using the bolt effect. Within the wordmark, we can identify an iconographic element, which combines an eye and two moons orbiting a planet.

This is a sharp-looking minimalistic logo and we are proud to identify ourselves and are looking forward to a promising future in space exploration.

The sky's the limit - for us, it is just the beginning.

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