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How can chatbots improve your marketing strategy?

What are chatbots?

Chatbots are software tools programmed to have conversations with humans; they are artificial intelligence applications powered by natural language processing (NLP) technology. A large part of our brain works towards understanding verbal and non-verbal communication; therefore, for us, it is easier to communicate through natural language.  


Thanks to artificial intelligence, you can order a meal, an Uber, make a hotel or restaurant reservation without leaving the app, or filling out complicated forms, using everyday language. It can be used in social media, WhatsApp, WeChat, Kik, or websites. It can be informational or utility-focused, or both.   


Why should you use chatbots?  

Conversational assistants also support marketing automation, scheduling, reminders, surveys, set up a sequence of messages for a new follower, or in drip campaigns to help leads in a process or solution where training is required.

However, the advantages of using bots go beyond automation; they help grow engagement, revenue and enhances customer experience (CX). Chatbots don’t need to sleep or have lunch. They can assist customers 24/7, even when humans can’t. They are friendly interfaces to a one on one communication always when the consumers need, making the company accessible.   


How can you use chatbots to help with logistics and increase sales?

There are many usages to chatbots, they can answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) immediately, such as product, general business information (open hours, location), and others. All without requiring the use of search engines and filters or having to wait for busy companies to answer their private messages. Furthermore, it can help with order confirmation, check-in reminders, status updates, and quickly resolving some complaints.  


They can help your team by organizing order history and customer service inquiries. They also can make the payment process more straightforward. It is an opportunity to offer the customer a unique shopping experience enabling them to do everything, from looking at a product, buying it, all through the chatbot. It will increase sales and as well as free your customer care team, as bots are also able to handle a large volume of requests.  


Chatbots can also free your team by learning which queries your clients are asking most, answering future queries more accurately, and learning how to up-sell and cross-sell, making product suggestions based on the client’s input. By asking the right qualifying questions, and based on clients’ searches, it can establish which product or service fits the clients’ needs. By gathering information for the sales team to do a follow-up call, chatbots can not only save the team’s energy but also increase sales.    

How can you use conversational assistants in marketing and communication strategies?

Chatbot can help more than with logistics or operational teamwork, but as well as in communication and marketing strategies. It offers the possibility to notify broad audiences, boost sign-ups (it is easier than e-mails where you need to put your information; instead, you can just opt-in with a click). Depending on the type of business, even for entertainment. It is a great way to strengthen the relationship with the client, a natural and friendly face for engaging conversation in the conversion funnel forms.   

Customers are more likely to buy if they can message the company, according to Powered by Research, 56% of consumers would prefer message than call customer service. More people are using social media to contact companies instead of phones or e-mails, which also means that people are more reachable through bots. In other words, chatbots have more clicks through and higher open rates. Push notifications on Facebook Messenger gets eight times the open rates of e-mail marketing. Therefore, chatbots are an excellent way to give blog post visibility.   


The data collected from the interaction with the customer are up to date, allowing you not just learn about them but as well as a personalized conversation with the bot. When connecting to social media, chatbots can learn not only usernames but also shopping history and preferences, enabling personalized advice, deals, and promotions. Which will make your customers feel valued and unique and improve the relationship with them.   


As the interactions occur, it also can learn what your audience is interested in and what your business can do better. If connected to other business systems, gathering data from clients and leads from CRM, e-mail marketing, web analytics, and others, it can offer valuable information for all types of strategies, including content strategy and social media. It will also learn the most used terms and keywords, helping SEO performance.  


Besides creating a connection stronger than customer service, share your brand story and deals, it can also help you during a crisis. In those situations, communication channels tend to be overload with messages. Chatbots can manage an unlimited amount of traffic and conversation, freeing the team to manage the crisis with full attention. Also, it can push-notify who it interacted with essential updates.

Follow us on Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn and don’t miss the second part of this post, with dos and don’ts when using chatbots.

For more in artificial intelligence and machine learning in marketing, click here.  

Article written by
Juliane Verissímo - Marketing Department of VisionSpace