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What to Consider When Using Chatbots in Your Marketing Strategies

As said in our previous post about chatbots and marketing strategies, chatbots are software tools programmed to have conversations with humans; they are artificial intelligence applications powered by natural language processing.

What to consider when using a chatbot?

Chatbots are programmed to look for keywords, and they respond with pre-determined answers. Those answers should be as personalized and accurate as possible. People want to engage with authentic and customized experiences, and they want it to be fast.

Speed is the most crucial aspect to consider, even more important than accuracy and having a successful experience. But don’t think those other two aren’t necessary. Performance is critical, according to Forbes, 69% of consumers would use a chatbot for an instant answer, and only 15% just for fun. Don’t forget to prepare your bot for non-expected questions, avoiding repetitive responses, and clarifying when not understanding. 

Infuse it with a personality that reflects your brand; human touch associated with helpful functionality offers the client a great brand experience.   

To create your bot personality, you should consider what it will be used for and who your ideal customer is. And align it with your brand guidelines and strategies, considering buyer personas, company style guidelines, and social media plans. Your bot should speak the same language as your audience, use pop culture references and life experiences, and it should have manners, depending on your business humor and wit can be used thoughtfully.   


What not to do when using conversational assistants? 

Transparency is long known as essential in costumer-business relationship, and in this case, couldn’t be different, don’t try to fool clients using a chatbot as a human, identity your conversational assistant properly.

When using social media, it is crucial to engage with your audience, using a chatbot to open instant communication on posts or messages. Still, it is also essential to know when to disengage (not only on social media). Chatbots shouldn’t be unmonitored; it is necessary to have someone respond when they can’t solve the clients’ needs, avoiding frustration, and a negative experience with your brand.   

Even though chatbots bring several benefits to the company, it is better not to use them without a clear purpose or if they don’t understand consumers’ needs, and aren’t functional. Otherwise, instead of creating a great experience, they will frustrate the client, offering an experience that will be negative to the company.

For the first part of this post, click here. And For more in artificial intelligence and machine learning in marketing, click here.  

Follow us on Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn and don’t miss the second part of this post, with dos and don’ts when using chatbots.

Article written by
Juliane Verissímo - Marketing Department of VisionSpace