10 Brands That Are Successfully Using Artificial Intelligence

ai, artificial intelligence, machine learning, marketing

1 - Chase Bank 

Chase Bank is a New York-based company which has been using artificial intelligence in copywriting, helping their content marketing strategies by achieving more humanity in their content. Their digital ad, written by AI, “It’s true—You can unlock cash from the equity in your home,” performed better than the one written by humans, “Access cash from the equity in your home.”  

2 - Starbucks 

Starbucks is a brand well known for personalization, starting on their drink options. To improve clients’ experience and their loyalty program, the company developed an app that provides personalized marketing content, such as recommendations when the client is approaching their local store. Starbucks uses predictive analytic to process data from the app (details of the purchase) to make those suggestions, and to make business decisions, where to open a new store and what range of products to offer. The virtual barista tool on the app also uses AI to enable clients to place their orders via voice command, for example, Alexa, to place their order and pay. 


3 - Apple 

Apple uses artificial intelligence in different ways. It uses the neural engine in its face recognition, capable of unlocking the phone and transforming the data in animated emoji. The company also uses deep learning for face detection and to avoid fraud on Apple Store. Also, machine learning identifies faces and locations in pictures. And on one of the most famous text-to-speech voice assistants, Siri. 


4 - Netflix  

Netflix uses AI to provide recommendations based on what its users like, not on what they watch, increasing the watching time. And to review every video frame and compress it without losing quality.  

5 - Disney  

Disney uses artificial intelligence to control and organize stocks as well as to mimic a human brain to recognize appealing stories. 

ai, artificial intelligence, machine learning, marketing

6 - Sephora  

Sephora uses a chatbot to give beauty content advice and help clients narrow down product choices based on the questionnaire answered at the beginning of the interaction. 


7 - Facebook  

Facebook uses AI in different ways; some of them are the chatbot on messenger, the face recognition for both authentication and photo tags, as well as to understand text with a near-human accuracy and stop fake news to go viral.  


8 - Google  

Google also uses artificial intelligence in different ways among its products; one of them is their voice recognition tech, which they claim it has 98% accuracy. Another way is the Speech Cloud API, which recognizes over 110 languages and variants and allows developers to convert audio into text, and the neural machine translation used for Google Translate. The company also uses machine learning on Google Photos for face recognition and tags, to create animations and suggest filters. Another way to use AI for suggestion is with the YouTube videos recommendation, which increased 50% of watching time. And, a bit more distant from us yet, Google’s self-driving cars use AI to map and move around the roads. 


9 - Amazon  

Besides our beloved or hated Alexa, Amazon’s virtual assistant that uses speech to text recognition system and is present in many products, including Amazon Echo smart speakers. The company has been using artificial intelligence in many ways, for example, on its recognition system to identify not only faces, as well as objects, scenes, activities, and texts. Amazon Polly turns text into speech, and Amazon Transcribe uses automatic speech recognition to do the opposite. Amazon Comprehend uses AI to find insights and understand relationships in text, as well as Amazon Lex (chatbots that use voice and text) and Amazon translate.   

Amazon also uses AI on its online store to drive dynamic pricing and for personalized shopping recommendations based not only on past purchases but also on items other consumers have bought, searching behavior, and others. The company extended this service their Amazon Web Services clients, such as Domino’s, Yamaha, Subway, and others. Amazon Echo Look, a personal stylist, also machine-learning algorithms to make individual outfit recommendations.  

However, the most innovative way amazon has been using artificial intelligence is in its checkout-free physical stores, which have AI-powered sensors and cameras all over the place. Those smart gadgets detect when a person picks up an item and list it in the virtual cart and identify when an item is back to the shelf, listing it off. It is necessary to do a check-in with the Amazon Go mobile app to enter the store. The person is charged when exiting the store and receives a receipt on their cellphones.  


The experience is so great that if you haven’t been one, you need to check their video. 

10 - Alibaba 

 Alibaba also uses a personalized recommendation system, and an automatically-generated store display with appealing items for individual customers, both powered by artificial intelligence. Data of millions of clients across its website and app is processed by AI, as well as its automated customer service.  

Alibaba also opened a FashionAI retail store, offering a different experience for clients. The sensors in the store detect when an item is touched and send the data to the smart mirrors, which display clothing information and suggestions. If the wished size isn’t in the store, it is possible to place an order in the virtual store (inside the store, it is almost like inception here), pay using cellphones, and receive the item at home.  

Alibaba has also changed cars sale by allowing people to do a test drive before talking to the sales agent. Also, it has changed the grocery stores and even the ladies' bathroom. For more, check their video. 

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Article written by Juliane Verissímo - Marketing Department of VisionSpace