How AI is Impacting our Daily Life - Part 2

Artificial intelligence daily life ai

As we saw before, AI is continuously present in our daily life. It can be by using digital assistants, smartphones, e-mails, social media, or simply searching on the web. This second part will also show how AI is also present in other aspects of our life. 


E-commerce, Ads, and Recommendation  

Smart Houses and Home Security  


Banks and Financial Sector  

Commercial Flights  

Health Care System  

AI, artificial intelligence - Traffic

How Artificial Intelligence is Used in Traffic  

You are all set and ready to go to work, and there is AI again, through deep learning, self-driving cars recognize the space around them and can perform in an extensive range of situations. Tesla cars are connected, and they all learn from the same experience. For example, if you take an unanticipated hard-left on a crossroad, all the Tesla cars will know how to maneuver that turn after they are updated.  


Also, many of the traffic cameras use AI to read license plates. Computer vision can see and understand images, making the surveillance system able to monitor and search for specific plates. Maps, such as Google Maps, calculate traffic and construction routes to find the quickest way to a destination.

Uber and other ride-sharing apps use machine learning to identify fraudulent accounts, suggest optimal pick-up and drop-off points, recommend a restaurant (Uber Eats), or predict wait times. Uber also uses AI to set prices and to determine if a rider is drunk before the driver accepts the pick-up.  

ecommerce aritificial intelligence AI

How E-commerce, Ads, and Recommendation Use Artificial Intelligence  


During work hours or break time, who never sneaked peek on social media or on Amazon to buy something? The ads we see on Facebook of a product we searched before, and the Chatbots answering 24/7, have AI involved in the process. Artificial intelligence also customizes shopping experience, gathering and using users’ and third-party’s data. AI is also used against fraud and to provide security on e-commerce. 

Product recommendation is effective thanks to AI, by using information about preferences and buying habits to determine what you would be interested in buying next. Amazon goes beyond using an anticipatory shipping algorithm to send items towards you before you click on the buying button.  

Not only product suggestion, but the online ad industry, in general, use artificial intelligence to track user statistics to show ads based on that information. Netflix’s recommendations are so specific that they consider the time of the day and what you like to watch during that time.  


Music services use AI to track listening habits and suggest songs, discoveries, new releases, and old favorites. Google Play suggestions also consider the weather and time of day to match the music with the mood of the moment.   

online banking, artificial intelligence, AI

How Banks and Financial Sector Use Artificial Intelligence  


On our way home or when at home, sometimes, we need to deal with financial business. AI is used to recommend investment options for stocks and products, to assist loan approval processes and credit decisions, and to prevent online fraud and ensure transaction safety.  

When you do a quick stop to pick up dinner or to make any other purchase, it is also artificial intelligence that verifies the purchase done and decide if it is valid or not. AI is present when you log on your online banking account, it sends you low balance alerts, and facilitates mobile check deposits by converting the handwriting letter into text. It also provides personalized alerts such as bill payment reminders, pre-overdraft alerts, transfer prompts.  

smart home artificial intelligence AI

How Smart Houses and Home Security Use Artificial Intelligence  

To be at home can mean to be comfy or to do some tidying up. The modern vacuums that clean the floor on their own use AI to understand their surrounding area, to look for objects on the way, and to memorize the best route to clean. As well as to determine how much clean is necessary, according to the room size.  

Some thermostats also use artificial intelligence to learn about users’ habits and heating-cooling preferences during the day, making your house cozy for when you get home.  

Smart refrigerators use AI to create grocery lists based on your habits and the number of things left in your fridge, as well as to give wine recommendations that go together with your dinner.  

Artificial intelligence not only makes your life more comfortable but safer as well. Some alarms and camera systems use AI and machine learning for facial recognition, helping to create a list of frequent visitors and instantly identifying strangers. They also can notify when kids arrive home from school or track pet movements. And even notify emergency authorities that something went wrong.  

games and artificial intelligence AI

How Games Use Artificial Intelligence  

Being at home also means playing video games for some, and there is AI again, generating random levels for people to play, or as the race cars, you play against, or yet as the games’ bosses. Some bosses can evolve based on their interaction with you and other gaming elements.   

airlines and artificial intelligence AI

How Commercial Airlines Use Artificial Intelligence  


We bet that now more than never, you are looking forward to planning your vacation and hop on a plan to your dreamed destination. According to the New York Times, pilots only spend 7 minutes flying the plane during a typical flight; the rest is done by artificial intelligence.  

health care and artificial intelligence AI

How the Health Care System Uses Artificial Intelligence  


We can also get sick during vacations or during regular times. Artificial intelligence can help the medical field save time and money and deliver timely and accurate results for faster treatment and decision-making. It is used in early detection of illnesses, analyzing tissue samples, facilitating and safeguarding patient record keeping, streamlining processes for payments, maintaining schedules for medical professionals, and more.  

As we can see, artificial intelligence is impacting our daily lives in very subtle ways, making it easier, safer, and more comfortable. The more we go digital, the more difficult it is to escape the usage of AI.

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This article was written by Juliane Verissímo - Marketing Department of VisionSpace