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earth day - action vs. reaction

Tomorrow is Earth Day and we want you to take some time and go through some images - an image is worth a thousand words.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction - we are not trying to make a statement or argument, nether to proof climate change or global warming. We just challenge you to think about the chain reaction we trigger on our everyday's actions.


Arctic Sea Ice Age

Global Temperature

22-year Sea Level Rise

This visualization shows total sea level change between 1992 and 2014, based on data collected from the TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, and Jason-2 satellites. The color range for this visualization is -7 cm to +7 cm. This particular range was chosen to highlight variations in sea level change. (source: NASA)

Plastic, Plastic, Where is All Our Plastic?

Plastic, Plastic, Where is All Our Plastic? - Boys released over the last 35 year showing the 5 major ocean garbage patches. (source: NASA)